Important MCA Information

Important MCA Information

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Each Spring, all students in grades 3-11 take part in the annual state assessment called the MCAs, or Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments. These assessments are given to all public school students in mathematics (grades 3-8, 11), reading (grades 3-8, 10) and science (grades 5, 8 and once in high school). The state uses these assessments to understand how Minnesota students are doing overall and how well the Minnesota districts are doing at teaching the Minnesota State Standards.

The education and well-being of your scholar matters to us in Hopkins Public Schools. We want students to feel confident in taking the MCAs. This is an opportunity for students to show what they know. Scores on tests, whether in the classroom or a state test, are one piece of a large puzzle that makes up a balanced assessment system. We know that one score does not define nor limit our students’ opportunities. We hope all families will take the time to participate in the MCAs at their schools in order to help us evaluate our school systems.

Although parents and guardians have always had the right to refuse standardized testing, administering the MCA is not optional for the district. A parent refusal form must be on file with the school the week prior to testing. If one is not on file, students will be assigned a test session. As a district, we are required by state statute to administer the MCA to our students. We believe that with strong test participation, we will be better able to equitably serve all of our students and to accurately represent the vitality of our schools.

Missy McDonald
District Assessment Coordinator